This page shows the details for an Asbestos Case.
Case No.: 24-641 Emergency: NO Amendment: 2 | Date Received: 1/30/2025 |
Site Name: 99th Street Transite CPUD Project | Date Approved: 1/30/2025 |
Receipt No.: 162768118 | Date Paid: 9/16/2024 |
SWCAA FEE: $735.00 | SWCAA Staff: Stephanie Hungerford |
Site Address: NW 4th Ave to NW 29th Ave on 99th St Vancouver, WA 98686 CLARK COUNTY |
Facility Type: Other | |
Prior Use: Miscellaneous | Present Use: Miscellaneous |
Project Type: Removal | |
Start Date: 10/1/2024 | Completion Date: 2/28/2025 |
Work Days: M T W Th | Hours Worked: 8Am to 4PM |
SQ Feet: 0 | Linear Feet: 2650 |
Material Type: CA Pipe | |
Controls: Wrap & Cut, Water, HEPA Vac | |
Comments: completion date revision days to be worked revision 1/30/25 This is our 2nd revision for the job 24-641. I extended the completion date for the job. Also I want to let everyone know we will not be working the 3rd or 4th. Of February., Project Off Hold on 2/3/2025 9:23:09 AM - In revision #2 i mentioned that we would not be onsite on 2/3, and 2/4. We were called in today to resume work, and will continue tomorrow and resume our normal work schedule. 2/12/25 There will be no crew at 24-641 today until noon. I am being told today will be the last day of the job. There was less than expected of the transite pipe overall. I will wait until I cet the confirmation that we are infact completed before I send in a final revision. |
Abatement Contractor: Global Pacific Environmental Inc. | LNI Certification No: |
Phone No.: | |
Property Owner: Clark Public Utilities 8600 NE 117th Ave Vancouver, WA 98683 |
Submitted by: Kevin Crouse / Global Pacific Environmental - VP Operations | Representing: Global Pacific Environmental Inc. |
Email: | Phone No.: 360-772-6402 |