This page shows the details for an Asbestos Case.
Case No.: 24-825 Emergency: YES Amendment: 0 | Date Received: 12/3/2024 |
Site Name: Hazel Crest Duplexes | Date Approved: 12/3/2024 10:18:15 AM |
Receipt No.: 167045911 | Date Paid: 12/3/2024 |
SWCAA FEE: $738.00 | SWCAA Staff: Stephanie Hungerford |
Site Address: 6306 NE 4th Ave Vancouver, WA 98665 CLARK COUNTY |
Facility Type: Residential | |
Prior Use: Residence | Present Use: Residence |
Project Type: Removal | |
Start Date: 12/4/2024 | Completion Date: 12/5/2024 |
Work Days: W Th | Hours Worked: 8 am -5 pm |
SQ Feet: 325 | Linear Feet: 0 |
Material Type: Other:Drywall/Texture-Walls/Ceiling | |
Controls: NP Enclosure, HEPA Vac, Other: manual methods | |
Comments: Vehicle impact through kitchen and dining areas. Repairs cannot proceed until abatement is complete, Project Completed on 12/04/2024 - Project completed 1-day early, final clearance and cleanup complete |
Abatement Contractor: Chinook Restoration dba Paul Davis Restoration | LNI Certification No: IRO-24-0908C |
Phone No.: | |
Property Owner: The management group , |
Submitted by: Bonifacio Altamirano - Project Manager | Representing: Chinook Restoration dba Paul Davis |
Email: | Phone No.: 360-869-3347 |