This page shows the details for an Asbestos Case.
Case No.: 24-830 Emergency: YES Amendment: 0 | Date Received: 12/7/2024 |
Site Name: Foulke Residence | Date Approved: 12/7/2024 10:47:48 AM |
Receipt No.: 167338478 | Date Paid: 12/7/2024 |
SWCAA FEE: $738.00 | SWCAA Staff: Danielle Kreps |
Site Address: 12702 SE 11th Street Vancouver, WA 98683 CLARK COUNTY |
Facility Type: Residential | |
Prior Use: Residence | Present Use: Residence |
Project Type: Removal, Renovation | |
Start Date: 12/9/2024 | Completion Date: 12/13/2024 |
Work Days: M T W Th F | Hours Worked: 7am to 330pm |
SQ Feet: 1450 | Linear Feet: 0 |
Material Type: Popcorn Ceiling, Other:debris from fallen tree, carpet, pad, drapes, etc. | |
Controls: Wrap & Cut, Water, HEPA Vac | |
Comments: Tree fell during storm and onto the NW corner of the house. The entire house will be re-racked to get back into allignment. Damage to ceilings throughout. |
Abatement Contractor: Global Pacific Environmental Inc. | LNI Certification No: |
Phone No.: | |
Property Owner: Larry foulke , |
Submitted by: Kevin Crouse / Global Pacific Environmental - VP Operations | Representing: Global Pacific Environmental Inc. |
Email: | Phone No.: 360-772-6402 |