This page shows the details for a Demolition Case.
Case No: 25-100 Amendment: 0 Emergency: NO | Date Received: 2/6/2025 8:40:40 AM |
Building Name: Meuller Rd | Date Posted: 2/6/2025 |
SWCAA Staff: Stephanie Hungerford | Date Paid: 2/6/2025 |
Site Address: 24214 NW Meuller Rd, Ridgefield, WA 98642 CLARK COUNTY |
Facility Type: Residential | Building Size: |
Prior Use: Residence | Present Use: Residence |
# Floors: | Building Age: |
Demolition Method: Residence demolition | |
Emission Prevention: Training and awareness programs of workers, regular maintenance and upgrading of equipment, and using environmentally friendly alternatives when possible. | |
ACM Procedures: | |
Comments: Not much more to it. |
Demolition Contractor: SLE Inc. | |
AHERA Company: Joel Dillard | |
Property Owner: SLE Inc. , |
Submitted by: Brian Pettit - Estimator | Representing: SLE Inc. |
Email: | Phone No.: |