Demolition Case Details

This page shows the details for a Demolition Case.


Case No: 25-178   Amendment: 0    Emergency: NO Date Received: 3/5/2025 10:06:32 AM
Building Name: Meisner Property Date Posted: 3/5/2025
SWCAA Staff: Stephanie Hungerford Date Paid: 3/5/2025


Site Address:
   719 SW Eaton Blvd
   Battle Ground, WA 98604
Facility Type: Residential Building Size:
Prior Use: Residence Present Use: Vacant
# Floors: Building Age:


Demolition Method: House is severely damaged and asbestos containing materials are comingled with non-ACM materials. Not safe for manual abatement. GPE to perform demolition using trained and certified equipment operator and load all materials as ACM into lined drop boxes for disposal.
Emission Prevention: Fire hose from water tank and local hydrant.
ACM Procedures: Load all materials into double lined drop boxes. Any remaining handwork to be bagged by certified workers.
Comments: We are asking for waiver of negative pressure enclosure due to unsafe conditions of house collapse in on itself.


Demolition Contractor: Global Pacific Environmental Inc.
AHERA Company: Environmental Inspection Services Pro, LLC Matthew Spear
Property Owner: Jerry / Jason Meisner


Submitted by: Kevin Crouse / Global Pacific Environmental - VP Operations Representing: Global Pacific Environmental Inc.
Email: Phone No.: