Asbestos Removal Instructions/Help

Written notice as required by SWCAA 476 "Standards for Asbestos Control" must be submitted online using this form. You can also complete and print our Notice of Intent to Remove Asbestos form and mail it to SWCAA with the appropriate fee enclosed. A copy of this notice must accompany the asbestos waste when deposited at a waste disposal site. The reqired "Advance Notification Period" approval date will be from the date that any due fee is paid.

Fee Structure
Residential (any amount - owner occupant performed) Prior Notification $39.00
< 10 linear feet or < 48 square feet (contractor performed) Prior Notification No Fee required
10 - 259 linear or 48 - 159 square feet (contractor performed) 10 calendar days from today $153.00
260 - 999 linear feet or 160 - 4999 square feet (contractor performed) 10 calendar days from today $384.00
1000+ linear feet or 5000+ square feet (contractor performed) 10 calendar days from today $765.00
 Fees are doubled and Notification Period may be waived for Emergency Notices


To submit an online Notice of Intent to remove asbestos, you are required to complete the online form. Only credit cards are accepted as payment method for your application. If your payment is rejected you will have the opportunity to go back and correct your credit card information.

Once SWCAA has verified your payment and application you will receive an email notification of your approved application.

Project Scope

Indicate the amount of estimated asbestos material to be removed. This can be either or both Square Feet or Linear Feet. Project Start and Completion Dates must be consistent with the required notification period identified in SWCAA 476-040. These dates are important as SWCAA performs periodic site visits. Unless you are notified otherwise, your project may begin on the scheduled starting date.

Indicate the days and hours scheduled to be on site.

Job site name and location must include building numbers, school names, or any other identifying information.

Facility Type/Present-Previous Use

Select a Facility Type from the list. Note the Advance Notification Period for the project and the fee that applies. The notice must be received by SWCAA within the Notification Period. Residential Owner performed projects must be confined to owner occupied dwellings; other restrictions may apply.

For projects that start prior to the Notice Period please check the Emergency Box, supply the reason for the emergency and note that all fees are doubled.

Select the days that work will be done on the project and the from and through hours the work is performed.

If a site demolition is to be done complete the online Notification of Demolition form after your Asbestos Removal Notice is confirmed.

Material Description

Check one or more boxes for the Material to be Removed and the Control Method(s). See the definitions of the terms below:

  • Fireproofing – an asbestos containing material (ACM), either sprayed or troweled onto a component or surface.
  • Popcorn Ceiling – an ACM, (plaster) that is sprayed onto a ceiling for texture. Often contains a material such as “Perlite” hence the “popcorn”. Perlite is a non-asbestos material (brand name) that give the surface its “popcorn” or pebbly appearance. Some ceilings are “knocked down” troweled surfaces (plaster) that may contain asbestos. Not referred to as popcorn, but as textured or troweled.
  • CAB - Cement Asbestos Board
  • Sheet Vinyl – a floor covering, generally found in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms and has a fibrous backing on the underside that can contain asbestos. (Asbestos is not found in the upper surface that is walked upon, just the backing)
  • Boiler Insulation – A class of ACM also classified as Thermal System Insulation (TSI) that is used as insulation of steam pipes and the exterior of the boiler itself.
  • Duct Tape – A type of “tape” that is used to seal joints where 2 sections of heating ducts are joined. Generally found in older homes (30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, possibly later) that have a central heater in the basement.
  • Duct Paper – A paper-like material used to wrap/insulate heating ducts that often contains asbestos
  • Mag Pipe Insulation – A type of thermal system insulation (TSI) consisting of approximately 85% magnesia carbonate and asbestos fiber (typically amosite, but can be found with chrysotile and/or crocidolite).
  • Air Cell - Air cell refers to an asbestos-containing pipe insulation product. It has alternating layers of plain and corrugated asbestos paper and is generally corrugated in appearance much like found in cardboard. (The structurally reinforcing middle portion)
  • CA Pipe - Cement Asbestos Pipe
  • VAT - Vinyl Asbestos Tile
  • N.P. Enclosure - Negative Pressure. It's the asbestos removal work area that is kept under negative pressure with the room air filtering through a High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) filter.
  • Glove Bag - glove bags allow sensitive materials to remain separated from the external environment. The self-contained systems offer a leak-proof barrier constructed of durable and clear material. Used to isolate sections of asbestos containing TSI for removal. The bags are fitted with gloves in the interior that allow the asbestos removal worker to cut the material from a section of piping.
  • Mini Enclosure – A small walk-in enclosure which accommodates no more than two persons. It is a negative pressure enclosure constructed around a component that contains ACM that is to be removed.
  • Wrap & Cut - "Wrap and Cut" refers to a method of asbestos abatement. This method is used when an entire facility component will be removed. The facility component is first wet with water and then wrapped in polyethylene sheeting (poly). The entire wrapped component is then removed, or "cut", from its original location and taken from the building. Sometimes asbestos-containing material (ACM) must be removed from parts of the component to allow it to be removed from its original location. This method can also be used to wrap components with ACM inside them.
  • Water – A compound consisting of 2 atoms of hydrogen linked to 1 atom of oxygen. Water can be found in a liquid, solid or gaseous state. Water is used in asbestos removal to wet the ACM to reduce asbestos fiber release. The water used in asbestos abatement is often “amended water” that contains a component to aid in penetration of the ACM.
  • HEPA Vac – A “vacuum cleaner” type device that is fitted with a “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance” filter. The HEPA Vac is used in cleaning the abatement area after removal of the ACM

Inspector / Contractor / Owner / Disposal

Provide complete Property Owner information.

Was an asbestos inspection performed? Check the YES button and supply Lab Summary and any other support documents. If no inspection was performed, click NO and supply the reason the inspection was not done. If an inspection was performed, please upload the inspection report summary and other related material (photos, etc). Up to 10 documents can be uploaded. If there are more than 10 please use our forms upload page to send additional files. Select Office Staff as the Send To: list.

Select the AHERA inspector from the list or supply a new inspector if the list does not contain your inspector's name.

Select from the Asbestos Contractor from the list (if not the owner occupant). If the company isn't in the list select the "Not in List" entry and enter the company name in the box provided. You must provide the name and phone number of the Asbestos Contractor supervisor or the owner occupant name and phone number.

Select the disposal site from the list.


If a fee is due, please complete the payment section.

For Credit/Debit card: Select the Pay by Debit Card radio button. Enter your 16 digit Credit Card Number (no spaces or dashes), Expiration Date as mm/yy, 3-digit CVV number from the back of your card, and complete billing address information in the boxes provided. Don't forget your Cardholder Phone Number as ###-###-#### and email address. All fields must be completed in this section.

For Electronic Check: Select the Pay by Electronic Check radio button. Enter your 9 digit ABA Routing Number, Account Number, select Account type, Bank Name, and Accountholder information. All fields must be completed in this section.


If you are a contractor completing this form fill-in your name, your job title, company name, email address, and phone number.

If you are a property owner, enter your name in the Your Name and Representing fields. Supply a valid email address and phone number.

To prevent erroneous submissions from automated spam processes, click the check box in the reCAPTCHA box. If presented with a challenge picture, select the panels that correspond to the question asked. Upon successful completion the check box will be replaced with a green check mark.

Finally click the SUBMIT button. A check is made to validate your form entries and if there are errors, a list of errors appears at the top of the page. Correct the errors and click SUBMIT again.

After a few moments you will be directed to a confirmation page. Any credit card information is processed. If there are no errors your data is posted into our database and a notice of your request is sent to our staff. If an error occurs during processing an error message appears instructing you as to what needs to be done to complete your amendment. If your payment is rejected you can click the Return to Form button to supply a different/corrected Credit/Debit Card.