Enter the address in the box below to determine if burning is allowed on the property. The outdoor burning is seasonally banned during the summer months from July through September. Dates may vary by county. There are additional permit requirements that may apply and Air Quality or Fire Safety Burn Bans can be enacted at anytime. Sign up for SWCAA Burn Ban Notice Subscriptions online.
Map Boundaries Last Updated: 4/10/2019 Accessed: 231225 (3375)
This data is compiled from many sources and scales. SWCAA makes this information available as a service, and accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy, actual or implied.
Purple Shading = City Limits
Red Shading = Urban Growth Area (UGA) or No Burn Area (NBA)
Blue Line = County Limits
"Residential burning" means the outdoor burning of leaves, clippings, prunings and other yard and gardening refuse originating on lands immediately adjacent and in close proximity to a human dwelling and burned on such lands by the property owner or his or her designee. [RCW 70.94.750(1)]
Land Clearing Burning:"Land clearing burning" means outdoor burning of trees, stumps, shrubbery, or other natural vegetation from land clearing projects (i.e., projects that clear the land surface so it can be developed, used for a different purpose, or left unused). [RCW 70.94.750(2)]
Agricultural Burning:"Agricultural burning" means the burning of vegetative debris from an agricultural operation necessary for disease or pest control, necessary for crop propagation or crop rotation, or where identified as a best management practice by the agricultural burning practices and research task force established in RCW 70.94.6528(6) or other authoritative source on agricultural practices. Propane flaming for the purpose of vegetative debris removal is considered commercial agricultural burning.
Recreational Fires:"Recreational Fire" means cooking fires, campfires, and bonfires using charcoal or firewood that occur in designated areas or on private property for cooking, pleasure, or ceremonial purposes. Fires used for yard debris disposal purposes are not considered recreational fires.
Silvicultural Burning:"Silvicultural burning" means outdoor burning relating to the following activities for the protection of life or property and/or the public health, safety, and welfare:(a) Abating a forest fire hazard.(b) Prevention of a forest fire hazard.(c) Instruction of public officials in methods of forest fire fighting.(d) Any silvicultural operation to improve the forest lands of the state.(e) Silvicultural burning used to improve or maintain fire dependent ecosystems for rare plants or animals within state, federal, and private natural area preserves, natural resource conservation areas, parks, and other wildlife areas. [RCW 70.94.660(1)]