The Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) is responsible for enforcing federal, state and local outdoor air quality
standards and regulations in Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, Skamania and Wahkiakum counties of southwest Washington state.
SWCAA was formed in 1967 pursuant to the Clean Air Act (RCW 70A.15). It has the responsibility for all outdoor air
pollution sources within its five county jurisdiction, with the exception of automobiles, chemical paper and pulp mills,
and aluminum reduction plants. SWCAA is governed by an eleven member Board of Directors, made up of a representative from
each county, a representative from the largest city within each county, and a representative at large.
Contact us
Southwest Clean Air Agency
5101 NE 82nd Ave Suite 102
Vancouver, WA 98662
Main Number: 360-574-3058
Outside Clark County: 1-800-633-0709
24-hour Burn Line: 360-574-0057
Open Monday through Friday, 7 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Our Staff
See our Staff Page for personnel information.
See our Board of Directors Page for Board member information.