Subject Matter Contact Index

The Subject Matter Contact Index identifies an area of expertise and the staff members who are best qualified to address issues pertaining to that topic. If you have a question about a specific subject, please check this list to find whom to contact.

  Primary Contact Secondary Contact
SWCAA 400 - General Rules Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
SWCAA 425 - Outdoor Burning Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
SWCAA 476 - Asbestos Gerald Strawn Brian Fallon
SWCAA 490 - VOC's Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
SWCAA 491 - Gas Dispensing Gerald Strawn Clint Lamoreaux
SWCAA 492 - Oxygenated Fuels Gerald Strawn Clint Lamoreaux
SWCAA 493 - VOC Area Sources Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux

Source Categories




























Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Abrasive Blasting Clint Lamoreaux Vannessa McClelland
Accounting Traci Arnold Clint Lamoreaux
Acid Rain (Title 4) Clint Lamoreaux Wess Safford
Agricultural Burning Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
Air Monitoring Network Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
Air Stripping Wess Safford John St.Clair
Air Toxics - ambient monitoring Clint Lamoreaux Robert Elliott
Aluminum Smelting Washington Department of Ecology
Judy Schwieters 360-407-6102
Annual Report Traci Arnold Jerry Ebersole
Asbestos Brian Fallon Danielle Kreps
Asphalt Plants Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Attainment/Nonattainment Areas None  
Automotive Refinishing Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Boilers - Gas Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Boilers - Wood Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Budgets None Clint Lamoreaux
Building Demolition/Renovation Brian Fallon Mihai Voivod
Bulk Material Handling John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Burning Alternatives Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
Burning Permits Brian Fallon Robert Elliott
Business Assistance None  
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Cabinet Manufacturing Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Cement Plants Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
CEMs Clint Lamoreaux Wess Safford
Chemical Blending Facilities John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Chemical Products Manufacturing John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Chrome Plating Clint Lamoreaux Clint Lamoreaux
Clean Air Action Days Traci Arnold Brian Fallon
Coal Fired Power Plants Clint Lamoreaux Clint Lamoreaux
Coffee Roasters Clint Lamoreaux Wess Safford
Columbia River Gorge - NSA Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Complaint Response Crystal Moore Robert Elliott
Compliance None Clint Lamoreaux
Compliance Monitoring Strategy (CMS) None Jerry Ebersole
Composting Clint Lamoreaux Gerald Strawn
Computers Paul Vela Clint Lamoreaux
Concrete Plants Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Contracts None  
Crematory/Incinerators Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Databases - 105 Emission Inventory John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Databases - Accounting Traci Arnold Paul Vela
Databases - Asbestos Paul Vela Heather Wavra
Databases - Source Information Paul Vela Clint Lamoreaux
Databases - Tankers Christina Hallock Gerald Strawn
Delegations/Program Approvals Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Demolition Brian Fallon Danielle Kreps
Diesel School Bus Retrofits Duane Johnson Jerry Ebersole
Diesel/Natural Gas Engine Generators Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Dry Cleaners Clint Lamoreaux Robert Elliott
Dry Kiln Operations Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Electric Arc Furnaces Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Emergency Diesel Generators Clint Lamoreaux Wess Safford
Emission Inventory John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Emission Inventory Quality Assurance John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Emission Reduction Credits Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Enforcement Bryan Smith Robert Elliott
Extrusion - Plastic Vannessa McClelland Clint Lamoreaux
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Feed Grain Handling John St.Clair Wess Safford
Fiberglass Fabrication John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Flares/Landfills None  
Flexographic Printing Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Flow Coating Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Fluidized bed incineration John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Foam Manufacturing Duane Johnson Clint Lamoreaux
Foundries Vannessa McClelland Gerald Strawn
Fryers/Deep Fat Wess Safford Gerald Strawn
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Gas Turbines/Electric Generation Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Gas Turbines/Gas Transmission Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Gasoline Dispensing Clint Lamoreaux Robert Elliott
Gasoline Tankers Christina Hallock Gerald Strawn
Gasoline Terminals None Wess Safford
Glass Manufacturing/Production Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Gorge Air Quality Monitoring Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Gorge Visibility Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Grain Handling Wess Safford John St.Clair
Grants None Traci Arnold
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Washington Department of Ecology
Neil Caudill 360-407-6811
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Hog Fuel Boilers/RACT Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Human Resources None Traci Arnold
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
IC Engines (compressors) Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
IC Engines (power generation) Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
ICIS Data Entry None Jerry Ebersole
Incinerators (crematories) Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Incinerators (municipal waste) John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Inspections/Sources None Clint Lamoreaux
Integrated Compliance Infomation System (ICIS) None Clint Lamoreaux
Internet - E-mail Paul Vela Clint Lamoreaux
Iron Melting Furnaces Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Land Clearing Burning Permits Brian Fallon Gerald Strawn
Landfill Operations Clint Lamoreaux Gerald Strawn
Lead Oxide Manufacturing Clint Lamoreaux Clint Lamoreaux
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Washington Department of Ecology
Kristopher Grinnell 360-407-7382
Liquid Transfer - Tank Truck Rail None Wess Safford
Liquid Transfer/Handling - Marine None Wess Safford
Locomotive idling retrofits Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
MACT Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Maintenance Plan (CO/O3) Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Mercury Clint Lamoreaux Clint Lamoreaux
Metal Products/Fabrication - Coating Wess Safford John St.Clair
Mobile Home Demolition/Renovation None Brian Fallon
Modeling - AERMOD Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Modeling - AERSCREEN/ISCST Clint Lamoreaux John St.Clair
Modeling - CAMx Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Modeling - CMAQ Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Modeling - MM5/CALPUF/MET Washington Department of Ecology
Ranil Dhamnapala 360-407-6807
Modeling - Mobile 5a/6/Nonroad Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Modeling - Toxics/Tier II Washington Department of Ecology
Gary Palcisko 360-407-7338
Modeling - Urban Airshed John St.Clair Jerry Ebersole
Modeling - Visibility/VISCREEN Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Monitoring - Air Toxics None Clint Lamoreaux
Monitoring - Ambient Criteria Pullutants Brian Fallon Clint Lamoreaux
Monitoring - Gorge Studies Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Monitoring - Nephelometers Brian Fallon Clint Lamoreaux
Monitoring - Visibility Camera Paul Vela Clint Lamoreaux
Municipal/Sludge Incinerators John St.Clair Vannessa McClelland
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Natural Gas Boilers Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Natural Gas Compressor Stations Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
NESHAPS John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Network Administration Paul Vela Clint Lamoreaux
New Source Review Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Newsletter Traci Arnold Jerry Ebersole
Nonattainment Area None Clint Lamoreaux
Non-Road Engines Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
NSPS Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Operating Permits (Title 5) Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Outdoor Burning Brian Fallon Gerald Strawn
Outdoor Burning Alternatives Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
Oxygenated Gasoline Program None Clint Lamoreaux
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Paint Spray Operations Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Pet Food Manufacturing Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Petroleum Terminals Wess Safford Gerald Strawn
Plastic Components Manufacturing Wess Safford John St.Clair
Plastic Extrusion/Molding Vannessa McClelland Clint Lamoreaux
Plywood Manufacturing Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Pollution Preventions (P2 and P4) None  
Polyethylene Vannessa McClelland Clint Lamoreaux
Port Operations - Marine Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Powder Coatings Vannessa McClelland Clint Lamoreaux
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Washington Department of Ecology
Marc Crooks 360-407-6803
Printing Operations Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Public Education/Handouts Traci Arnold Christina Hallock
Public Education/Outreach Traci Arnold Jerry Ebersole
Public Outreach Traci Arnold Jerry Ebersole
Public Relations Uri Papish Jerry Ebersole
Pulp and Paper Washington Department of Ecology
Stephanie Ogle 360-407-6355
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Quality Assurance Project Plans Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
RACT Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
RACT/BACT/LAER Entry Clint Lamoreaux Clint Lamoreaux
Reactors/Chemical John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Regional Haze None Clint Lamoreaux
Registration Program Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Regulation Updates/Rule Writing Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Rendering Wess Safford John St.Clair
Risk Assessment/Toxicology Washington Department of Ecology
Gary Palcisko 360-407-7338
Risk Management Plans (112r)(40 CFR 68) Clint Lamoreaux Vannessa McClelland
Rock Crushing Operations Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Rotogravure Printing Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
School Bus Diesel Retrofits Duane Johnson Jerry Ebersole
Screen Printing Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Semiconductor/Wafer Manufacturing John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
SEPA Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Sewage Treatment Plants John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Smokehouses Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Soil Remediation Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Source Emission Reduction Plans Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Source Inspections None Clint Lamoreaux
Spray Booths Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Spray Paint Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
State Implementation Plan (SIP) Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Steel Manufacturing/Processing Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Steel Melting Furnaces Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Storage Tanks Wess Safford Robert Elliott
SWCAA Board Secretary Traci Arnold Christina Hallock
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Temporary Engines/Sources Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Title 1 - New Source Review Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Title 3 - Hazardous Air Pollutants John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Title 4 - Acid Rain Clint Lamoreaux Wess Safford
Title 5 - Operating Permits Wess Safford Clint Lamoreaux
Toxic Air Pollutants John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Transportation/General Conformity Clint Lamoreaux Robert Elliott
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Underground Storage Tanks Washington Department of Ecology
Dean Phillips 360-407-7382
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Vehicle I/M Program Washington Department of Ecology
Rachel O'Malley 360-690-7165
Veneer (wood) Manufacturing Wess Safford Vannessa McClelland
Visibility Camera None  
Visibility Monitoring/Nephelometers Brian Fallon Jerry Ebersole
Visibility SIP Washington Department of Ecology
Laurie Hulse-Moyer 360-407-6783
Visibility/Gorge Clint Lamoreaux Jerry Ebersole
Subject Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Wafer Manufacturing Clint Lamoreaux John St.Clair
Wastewater Treatment Operations John St.Clair Clint Lamoreaux
Website Paul Vela Traci Arnold
Wood Preserving/Treating Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Wood Products Manufacturing Vannessa McClelland Wess Safford
Wood Stoves & Fireplaces Duane Johnson Brian Fallon