Public Records Request for a permitted facility

The Southwest Clean Air Agency (Agency) is committed to providing full access to public records in accordance with the Washington State Public Records Act, chapter 42.56 RCW. The public is encouraged to view information/public records available on the Agency’s website before submitting a Request for Public Record.

Want to request Public Records for a non-registered Facility? Click here for Non-Facility request.

>> All fields except Your Company Name are required <<

What Facility is requested? What documents do you need?
Facility Name:
Current Name:

Who are you and how can we contact you?
Your Name:
Your Company Name:
Phone:  aaa-ppp-nnnn ext nnn
City:  State:    Zip Code:
E-mail Address:

How should we deliver your requested documents?
Requester desires to receive the records:
  By regular mail at the mailing address above*
By e-mail at the e-mail address above
In person*
Per Page Charge: $0.15
Cost = Number of pages x $0.15 + shipping costs

* For copies of Agency records, there is a $0.15 per-page fee for standard black and white photocopies that are produced by the Agency. In addition, the Agency may charge for the actual cost of making nonstandard copies; these include electronic copies, color copies, and copies of over- sized documents and photographs.

Payment for copies is required in advance or at the time the requester receives the copies. When a requester inspects records at the Agency’s office, the requester must pay for those copies at the time they receive the copies. If copies are to be mailed to the requester, payment is required in advance, and the Agency may charge for postage and the mailing envelope or container.

The Agency may require a deposit of up to 10% of the estimated cost of copying records prior to copying any records. If copies need to be produced in installments for reasons such as the size of the request, the Agency may require payment for each installment before the remaining installments are made available to a requester.

Final Steps

Have you visited these pages?

I have reviewed the Agency's  Public Records Policy and

Have you reviewed your request for accuracy?