Guidance for Demolition or Renovation of Structure(s) or Area(s)

There are asbestos requirements that must be followed during the demolition or renovation phase(s) of any project. The Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) would like to make the following mitigating comments based on SWCAA 476 (Standards for Asbestos Control) and 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M (Federal Asbestos Requirements). These requirements have been summarized below:

  1. Prior to demolition or renovation of a structure, a thorough asbestos inspection must be conducted by an AHERA certified inspector in order to ascertain the presence of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) in all affected structure(s) or area(s). A copy of the AHERA asbestos inspection report must be available for viewing at the project site.
  2. If the asbestos inspection reveals ACM to be present in the affected structure(s) or area(s):
    ACM must be removed by certified personnel in full accordance with the Southwest Clean Air Agency's (SWCAA) Regulations SWCAA 476 (Standards for Asbestos Control) and with 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart M (National Emission Standards for Asbestos). A Notification of Demolition, a Notification of Intent to Remove Asbestos, and a copy of the AHERA asbestos inspection report for each structure are required and must be submitted through Notifications to SWCAA. There is a 10 day waiting period from the time the notices are submitted before asbestos removal or structure demolition can begin. All asbestos must be completely removed from the affected structure(s) or area(s) prior to structure demolition or structure renovation taking place.
  3. If the asbestos inspection does not reveal ACM to be present in the affected structure(s) or area(s), and the structure is to be demolished:
    A Notification of Demolition and a copy of the AHERA asbestos inspection report are required and must be submitted through Notifications to SWCAA. There would be a 10 day waiting period from the time the notification is submitted before the demolition can start.
  4. If the asbestos inspection does not reveal ACM to be present in the affected structure(s) or area(s), and the project involves only renovation:
    A Notice of Intent to Remove Asbestos would not be required. A Notification of Demolition would not be required.