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Plant Name 3 Kings Environmental, Inc. - 2264 Albion Laboratories, Inc. - 2064 Alderbrook Quarry, Inc. - 2050 Allweather Wood, LLC - 1155 Alphia - 1286 ALS Environmental - 1298 Alta Forest Products, LLC - 973 Analog Devices, Inc. - 1897 Applied Plant Science, Inc. - 2509 Banfield Pet Hospital Headquarters - 2480 Battle Ground School District No 119 - 166 Beardsley Buildings LLC - 2687 Bio Recycling Corporation - 2167 Block 56 LLC - Old City Hall - 2405 BNSF Railway Company - 228 Burns Construction, Inc. - 229 Camas School District No 117 - 242 Camas School District No 117 - Old UL Bldg - 2494 Cardinal FG Company Winlock - 2175 Cascade Hardwood LLC - 257 Castle Rock School District No 401 - 263 Centralia College - 275 Centralia School District No 401 - 278 Chehalis School District No 302 - 288 Chemtrade Solutions LLC - Vancouver Works - 118 Church and Dwight Co, Inc. - Vancouver - 2278 City Bark - 2770 City of Camas - Public Works WWTP - 2076 City of La Center - Public Works - 2372 City of Vancouver - Facilities Management - 2331 City of Vancouver - Marine Park - 1874 City of Vancouver - Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant - 1106 Clark College - 306 Clark College - Clark Center - 2262 Clark College - CTC - 2234 Clark County - Corrections - 2320 Clark County - Facilities Management - 307 Clark County Crematory, Inc. - 2506 Clark Public Utilities - River Road Generating Project - 1909 Clark Regional Wastewater - Salmon Creek WWTP - 1834 Colf Construction - 2352 Columbia Machine, Inc. - 321 Columbia Northwest Recycling, Inc. - 2155 Columbia Precast Products LLC - 2736 Columbia River Carbonates - 1175 Columbia River Carbonates Pelletizing Plant - 2522 Conrad Industries, Inc. - 1177 Cowlitz County Headquarters Landfill - 2121 Cowlitz County Landfill - 1120 Darigold, Inc. - 369 DeAtley Crushing Company - Plant 2 - 1843 DH Griffin Wrecking Company - 2784 Divert, Inc. - 2763 EGT LLC - 2292 ePac Portland, LLC - 2733 Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Inc. - 2295 Evergreen School District No 114 - 418 Fabricated Products, Inc. - 1995 Fabrication Products, Inc. - 1329 Farwest Portable Crushing, Inc. - 2397 Fitesa Washougal, Inc. - 355 Foster Farms - Kelso Plant - 1246 Frito-Lay, Inc. - 448 FXI - Longview - 2233 Gensys One Corporation - 2125 Georgia-Pacific - Consumer Operations - 2538 Glacier Northwest, Inc. - All-Pro Plant - 2022 Glacier Northwest, Inc. - East Vancouver Ready Mix - 135 Glacier Northwest, Inc. - Longview Ready Mix - 348 Glacier Northwest, Inc. - West Vancouver Concrete - 2158 Glacier Northwest, Inc. - Woodland Ready Mix - 1886 Good Crushing, Inc. - 1312 Granite Construction Company - Cowlitz River Pit - 2384 Granite Construction Company - Portable KPI Crusher - 2688 Granite Construction Company - Vancouver Plant - 1260 Graphic Packaging International, Inc. - 2411 Great Western Malting Company - 480 Great Western Malting Company - Country Malt - 2365 Green Hill School - 481 H B Fuller Company - 146 Hampton Drying Company - 282 Hampton Lumber Mills/Cowlitz Division - Morton - 349 Hampton Lumber Mills/Cowlitz Division - Randle - 350 Hardel Mutual Plywood Corporation - 2026 Harold Sorensen Trucking, Inc. - Castle Rock - 1189 Hayes Cabinets, Inc. - 498 Heidelberg Materials - C3 - Orchards Concrete - 2043 Heidelberg Materials - S1 - Lewisville Pit - 1236 High Cascade Veneer, Inc. - 1852 Hilton Hotel Vancouver - 2252 Humane Society for SW WA - Longview - 517 I. P. Callison and Sons, Inc. - 1646 ISO Flex Packaging - 2419 J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Coal Creek - 2139 J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - K500 Portable - 2439 J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Mountain Top Quarry - 2492 J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Plant 4 - 2521 Jensen Precast - 1041 Kaiser - Longview/Kelso Medical - 2386 Kaiser - Vancouver Medical - 2370 Kalama Export Company, LLC - 1124 Kalama School District No 402 - 565 Kelso School District No 458 - 575 Kemira Water Solutions, Inc. - 1314 Kent's Oil Service - 1200 Kerr Contractors, Inc. - 2311 Knife River - Kelso Ready Mix - 1391 Konell Construction and Demolition - Trakpactor - 2334 Kyocera International, Inc. - 1821 L Rock Industries, Inc. - 2445 La Center School District 101 - 1145 Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Centralia Asphalt - 756 Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Longview - 156 Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Orchards Asphalt - 2049 Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Pelletizing Plant - 2803 Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Portable RAP Crusher - 2794 Lanxess Corporation - 564 LaPel Solutions LLC - 2553 Larch Mountain Correction Center - 595 Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital - 2240 Leichner Landfill - 1239 Longview Memorial Park - 1268 Longview School District No 122 - 632 Lonza - Arch Wood Protection, Inc. - 1264 Lower Columbia College - 635 Lower Columbia Crematory, Inc. - 2073 MEI Group - 2371 Mercury Plastics Inc - Vancouver - 2088 Miles Sand and Gravel Company - Plant 297 - 2528 Mint Farm Generating Station - 2111 Mt. Solo Landfill, Inc. - 1844 Musket Corporation - 2576 Nalco Company LLC - 1149 National Frozen Foods Corporation - State Ave - 1652 nLight Inc. - Sharp - 1229 North Pacific Paper Corp. (NORPAC) - 712 Northwest Alloys - Longview - 2279 Northwest Demolition and Dismantling - Portable - 2236 Northwest Hardwoods Inc. - Centralia - 714 Northwest Hardwoods Inc. - Longview - 1846 Northwest Pipeline LLC - Chehalis - 1360 Northwest Pipeline LLC - Washougal - 1956 Northwest Pipeline LLC - Willard - 1957 Norwesco, Inc. - 2296 NuStar Terminal Operations Partnership LP - Annex - 270 NuStar Terminals Service, Inc. - Main - 460 Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc. - Plant 2 - 2284 Pacific Coast Shredding, LLC - 2316 PacifiCorp - Chehalis Generation Facility - 1900 Parkview at Vancouvercenter Condominiums - N Apt Bldg 6625 - 2231 Peaceful Paws Cremation and Memorials - 2263 PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center - Main - 917 PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center - Memorial Campus - 994 Pet After Life Services - 2520 PNW Metal Recycling LLC - Paper Way - 2734 Port of Longview - Berth 1, 5, 6 and 7 - 778 Portco Packaging - Woodland - 2425 Presto Homes - 2787 Providence Centralia Hospital - 276 Puget Sound Energy - 1877 RLD Company, Inc. - Chehalis Plant - 2297 Rotschy, Inc. - 2435 Section 30 Materials - 2771 SEH America, Inc. - 851 Shakertown 1992, Inc. - 878 Sierra Pacific Industries - Centralia Division - 2272 Solvay Chemicals, Inc. - 1225 Sonoco Products Company - 2245 Southwest Washington Health System - 2768 St. John Medical Center - Delaware Campus - 914 Steelscape, Inc. - 1947 Stericycle, Inc. - 1424 Sterling Breen Crushing, Inc. - Portable 2 - 1420 Taiga Exterior Wood - 422 Tapani Resources - Astec Screen Plant - 2563 Tapani Resources - Kolberg Crushing Plant - 2533 Tapani Resources - McCloskey Screen Plant - 2692 TEMCO, LLC - 711 Tesoro - Vancouver Terminal - 131 Tetra Pak Materials LLC - 1057 TFT Construction, Inc. - 2376 The Columbian - 332 The Willamette Valley Company LLC - 659 Thompson Metal Fab, Inc. - 954 Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Plant - 346 TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC - 754 TransAlta Centralia Mining, LLC - 1062 Truckweld - 2229 TSMC Washington, LLC - 1978 United Grain Corporation - 983 US Natural Resources, Inc. - 1901 Vancouver Armed Forces Reserve Center - 2441 Vancouver Bulk Terminal - 1920 Vancouver Clinic Lab - 2731 Vancouver Ice and Fuel Oil Company - 116 Vancouver School District No 37 - 1001 Vancouver School District No 37 / James Parsley Center (JPCC) - 1925 Vancouver Toyota - 2355 Vancouvercenter BD Owner LLC - 2232 Vancouvercenter Unit 1C Condominium Association - 2230 Veteran's Administration Hospital - 986 Vigor Works LLC - 1243 WA Dept of Transportation - Vancouver 51st Cir - 1807 Wallace Brothers - 2780 Washington School for the Blind - 1029 Washington School for the Deaf - 1030 Washington State Patrol - Vancouver Crime Laboratory - 1735 Washington State University - 1911 Washougal School District No 112 - 1032 Western Forest Prod - Columbia Vista - Fruit Valley - 783 Western Forest Prod - Columbia Vista - Vancouver - 1119 Western Star Northwest - 56th Pl - 2750 Westlake US 2 LLC - 2237 Weyerhaeuser Longview Lumber - 2514 Wilkins, Kaiser and Olsen, Inc. - 1068 Winlock School District No 232 - 1072 Woodland School District No 404 - 1079 YMCA - Vancouver - 2440 SWCAA ID 116 - Vancouver Ice and Fuel Oil Company 118 - Chemtrade Solutions LLC - Vancouver Works 131 - Tesoro - Vancouver Terminal 135 - Glacier Northwest, Inc. - East Vancouver Ready Mix 146 - H B Fuller Company 156 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Longview 166 - Battle Ground School District No 119 228 - BNSF Railway Company 229 - Burns Construction, Inc. 242 - Camas School District No 117 257 - Cascade Hardwood LLC 263 - Castle Rock School District No 401 270 - NuStar Terminal Operations Partnership LP - Annex 275 - Centralia College 276 - Providence Centralia Hospital 278 - Centralia School District No 401 282 - Hampton Drying Company 288 - Chehalis School District No 302 306 - Clark College 307 - Clark County - Facilities Management 321 - Columbia Machine, Inc. 332 - The Columbian 346 - Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Plant 348 - Glacier Northwest, Inc. - Longview Ready Mix 349 - Hampton Lumber Mills/Cowlitz Division - Morton 350 - Hampton Lumber Mills/Cowlitz Division - Randle 355 - Fitesa Washougal, Inc. 369 - Darigold, Inc. 418 - Evergreen School District No 114 422 - Taiga Exterior Wood 448 - Frito-Lay, Inc. 460 - NuStar Terminals Service, Inc. - Main 480 - Great Western Malting Company 481 - Green Hill School 498 - Hayes Cabinets, Inc. 517 - Humane Society for SW WA - Longview 564 - Lanxess Corporation 565 - Kalama School District No 402 575 - Kelso School District No 458 595 - Larch Mountain Correction Center 632 - Longview School District No 122 635 - Lower Columbia College 659 - The Willamette Valley Company LLC 711 - TEMCO, LLC 712 - North Pacific Paper Corp. (NORPAC) 714 - Northwest Hardwoods Inc. - Centralia 754 - TransAlta Centralia Generation, LLC 756 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Centralia Asphalt 778 - Port of Longview - Berth 1, 5, 6 and 7 783 - Western Forest Prod - Columbia Vista - Fruit Valley 851 - SEH America, Inc. 878 - Shakertown 1992, Inc. 914 - St. John Medical Center - Delaware Campus 917 - PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center - Main 954 - Thompson Metal Fab, Inc. 973 - Alta Forest Products, LLC 983 - United Grain Corporation 986 - Veterans Administration Hospital 994 - PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center - Memorial Campus 1001 - Vancouver School District No 37 1029 - Washington School for the Blind 1030 - Washington School for the Deaf 1032 - Washougal School District No 112 1041 - Jensen Precast 1057 - Tetra Pak Materials LLC 1062 - TransAlta Centralia Mining, LLC 1068 - Wilkins, Kaiser and Olsen, Inc. 1072 - Winlock School District No 232 1079 - Woodland School District No 404 1106 - City of Vancouver - Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant 1119 - Western Forest Prod - Columbia Vista - Vancouver 1120 - Cowlitz County Landfill 1124 - Kalama Export Company, LLC 1145 - La Center School District 101 1149 - Nalco Company LLC 1155 - Allweather Wood, LLC 1175 - Columbia River Carbonates 1177 - Conrad Industries, Inc. 1189 - Harold Sorensen Trucking, Inc. - Castle Rock 1200 - Kents Oil Service 1225 - Solvay Chemicals, Inc. 1229 - nLight Inc. - Sharp 1236 - Heidelberg Materials - S1 - Lewisville Pit 1239 - Leichner Landfill 1243 - Vigor Works LLC 1246 - Foster Farms - Kelso Plant 1260 - Granite Construction Company - Vancouver Plant 1264 - Lonza - Arch Wood Protection, Inc. 1268 - Longview Memorial Park 1286 - Alphia 1298 - ALS Environmental 1312 - Good Crushing, Inc. 1314 - Kemira Water Solutions, Inc. 1329 - Fabrication Products, Inc. 1360 - Northwest Pipeline LLC - Chehalis 1391 - Knife River - Kelso Ready Mix 1420 - Sterling Breen Crushing, Inc. - Portable 2 1424 - Stericycle, Inc. 1646 - I. P. Callison and Sons, Inc. 1652 - National Frozen Foods Corporation - State Ave 1735 - Washington State Patrol - Vancouver Crime Laboratory 1807 - WA Dept of Transportation - Vancouver 51st Cir 1821 - Kyocera International, Inc. 1834 - Clark Regional Wastewater - Salmon Creek WWTP 1843 - DeAtley Crushing Company - Plant 2 1844 - Mt. Solo Landfill, Inc. 1846 - Northwest Hardwoods Inc. - Longview 1852 - High Cascade Veneer, Inc. 1874 - City of Vancouver - Marine Park 1877 - Puget Sound Energy 1886 - Glacier Northwest, Inc. - Woodland Ready Mix 1897 - Analog Devices, Inc. 1900 - PacifiCorp - Chehalis Generation Facility 1901 - US Natural Resources, Inc. 1909 - Clark Public Utilities - River Road Generating Project 1911 - Washington State University 1920 - Vancouver Bulk Terminal 1925 - Vancouver School District No 37 / James Parsley Center (JPCC) 1947 - Steelscape, Inc. 1956 - Northwest Pipeline LLC - Washougal 1957 - Northwest Pipeline LLC - Willard 1978 - TSMC Washington, LLC 1995 - Fabricated Products, Inc. 2022 - Glacier Northwest, Inc. - All-Pro Plant 2026 - Hardel Mutual Plywood Corporation 2043 - Heidelberg Materials - C3 - Orchards Concrete 2049 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Orchards Asphalt 2050 - Alderbrook Quarry, Inc. 2064 - Albion Laboratories, Inc. 2073 - Lower Columbia Crematory, Inc. 2076 - City of Camas - Public Works WWTP 2088 - Mercury Plastics Inc - Vancouver 2111 - Mint Farm Generating Station 2121 - Cowlitz County Headquarters Landfill 2125 - Gensys One Corporation 2139 - J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Coal Creek 2155 - Columbia Northwest Recycling, Inc. 2158 - Glacier Northwest, Inc. - West Vancouver Concrete 2167 - Bio Recycling Corporation 2175 - Cardinal FG Company Winlock 2229 - Truckweld 2230 - Vancouvercenter Unit 1C Condominium Association 2231 - Parkview at Vancouvercenter Condominiums - N Apt Bldg 6625 2232 - Vancouvercenter BD Owner LLC 2233 - FXI - Longview 2234 - Clark College - CTC 2236 - Northwest Demolition and Dismantling - Portable 2237 - Westlake US 2 LLC 2240 - Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital 2245 - Sonoco Products Company 2252 - Hilton Hotel Vancouver 2262 - Clark College - Clark Center 2263 - Peaceful Paws Cremation and Memorials 2264 - 3 Kings Environmental, Inc. 2272 - Sierra Pacific Industries - Centralia Division 2278 - Church and Dwight Co, Inc. - Vancouver 2279 - Northwest Alloys - Longview 2284 - Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc. - Plant 2 2292 - EGT LLC 2295 - Evergreen Memorial Gardens, Inc. 2296 - Norwesco, Inc. 2297 - RLD Company, Inc. - Chehalis Plant 2311 - Kerr Contractors, Inc. 2316 - Pacific Coast Shredding, LLC 2320 - Clark County - Corrections 2331 - City of Vancouver - Facilities Management 2334 - Konell Construction and Demolition - Trakpactor 2352 - Colf Construction 2355 - Vancouver Toyota 2365 - Great Western Malting Company - Country Malt 2370 - Kaiser - Vancouver Medical 2371 - MEI Group 2372 - City of La Center - Public Works 2376 - TFT Construction, Inc. 2384 - Granite Construction Company - Cowlitz River Pit 2386 - Kaiser - Longview/Kelso Medical 2397 - Farwest Portable Crushing, Inc. 2405 - Block 56 LLC - Old City Hall 2411 - Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 2419 - ISO Flex Packaging 2425 - Portco Packaging - Woodland 2435 - Rotschy, Inc. 2439 - J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - K500 Portable 2440 - YMCA - Vancouver 2441 - Vancouver Armed Forces Reserve Center 2445 - L Rock Industries, Inc. 2480 - Banfield Pet Hospital Headquarters 2492 - J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Mountain Top Quarry 2494 - Camas School District No 117 - Old UL Bldg 2506 - Clark County Crematory, Inc. 2509 - Applied Plant Science, Inc. 2514 - Weyerhaeuser Longview Lumber 2520 - Pet After Life Services 2521 - J. L. Storedahl and Sons, Inc. - Plant 4 2522 - Columbia River Carbonates Pelletizing Plant 2528 - Miles Sand and Gravel Company - Plant 297 2533 - Tapani Resources - Kolberg Crushing Plant 2538 - Georgia-Pacific - Consumer Operations 2553 - LaPel Solutions LLC 2563 - Tapani Resources - Astec Screen Plant 2576 - Musket Corporation 2687 - Beardsley Buildings LLC 2688 - Granite Construction Company - Portable KPI Crusher 2692 - Tapani Resources - McCloskey Screen Plant 2731 - Vancouver Clinic Lab 2733 - ePac Portland, LLC 2734 - PNW Metal Recycling LLC - Paper Way 2736 - Columbia Precast Products LLC 2750 - Western Star Northwest - 56th Pl 2763 - Divert, Inc. 2768 - Southwest Washington Health System 2770 - City Bark 2771 - Section 30 Materials 2780 - Wallace Brothers 2784 - DH Griffin Wrecking Company 2787 - Presto Homes 2794 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Portable RAP Crusher 2803 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - Pelletizing Plant Business Type Absorbent polymer manufacturingAgricultural products productionAir separation facilityAircraft interiorsAircraft paintingAluminum reduction plantAluminum smeltingAluminum wire productionApartment managementAppliance manufacturingAsphalt cement storage & transferAsphalt plant - batch mixAsphalt plant - drum mixAsphalt roofingAutomobile dealership new/usedAutomotive dealer sales - new/usedAutomotive general repair - non body workAutomotive parts and accessoriesBank / Credit UnionBarge operationsBark productsBattery lead manufacturingBicycle manufacturingBleach & ammonia manufacturingBoat/ship manufacturing/repair - wood/fiberglassBulk commodities handlingBulk fuel storage / deliveryCabinet manufacturingCabinet refinishingCan manufacturingCar sales & repairCarbon electrode manufacturingCardboard products manufacturingCement terminalCeramic products manufacturingCharcoal briquette manufacturingChemical blending operationsChemical bulk storageChemical products operationsChrome plating - decorativeChrome plating - hardchromeChurchClay refractory manufacturingClothing manufacturing / textilesCoal mining operationsCoal tar refiningCoating operationsCoffee roasterCold storage - refrigerated warehouseCommercial / retail / office spaCommunity facilitiesComposting operationsConcrete batch plant - dry mixConcrete batch plant - wet mixConvenience store - no gasolineCorrections institutionCounter top manufacturingCrematorium / mortuaryCulvert manufacturingDairy productsDay care operationsDemolition operationsDiking districtDistribution facilityDoor / window manufacturingDry cleaning operationsElectric power generation / transmissionElectrical products refurbishingElectronic components manufacturingElectronic equipment assemblyEquipment rental and leasingEthanol production, storage or handlingExtrusion - plasticExtrusion operations - polyethyleneFertilizer manufacturingFiberglass products manufacturing/repairFire departmentFire testing facilityFiring rangeFlat steel coatingFloriculture productionFly ash distributionFoam manufacturingFood processing operationsFork lift manufacturingFoundry operationsFoundry products manufacturingFurniture hardware coatingFurniture manufacturingFurniture refinishing operationGasoline dispensing facility - retailGlass manufacturing / tempering - flatGlassware/containers manufacturingGovernmentGrain handling / millingGreen veneer manufacturingGrocery storeHealth clubHistorical monumentHospital / medical facilityHotelHydraulic cylinder and actuator manufacturingHydraulic filters and hoses manufacturingIndustrial adhesive manufacturingIndustrial valve manufacturingJanitorial servicesLaboratory operations - physicalLaminated beam manufacturingLandfill operationsLaw enforcementLead castingLime transfer & storageLimestone processing / recyclingLog debarking & chippingLogging operationsLumber - drying onlyLumber - glue laminated beam manufacturingLumber - sawing, planing and dryingLumber - Sawing/planing operations - no dryingLumber - shake/fence/post millLumber productsLumber remanufacturingMachine shop - repairsMachinery manufacturing / paintingMalt beveragesMalt manufacturingMarijuana processerMarijuana producer - processer - retailerMedical clinic / facilityMedical parts manufacturingMedical waste treatmentMetal alloy & stainlessMetal anodizingMetal cabinet & elec panel mfgMetal drum reconditioningMetal parts fabrication - welding / coating / sandingMetal production / secondaryMetal recycling / shreddingMethanol productionMillwork operationsMobile home manufacturingMotor vehicle body paint / repairMotor vehicle interiors - trimNatural gas storageNatural gas transmissionNewspaper publishingNursing homeOffice buildingOil storageOrnamental concrete productsPaint products manufacturingPallet manufacturingPaper coating/laminatingPaper millPaper products manufacturingPaper roll refurbishingPet food manufacturingPetroleum products distributionPharmaceutical manufacturingPlastic moldingPlastic recyclingPlywood manufacturingPolyethylene packagingPort operationsPortable sawmillsPotable water treatment plantPoultry processingPowder coating operationsPrefab & wood building manufacturingPrinting - digitalPrinting - flexographicPrinting - lithographicPublic utilitiesPulp & newsprint mfg.Pump repair - pressure/vacuumPyrolysis facilityRail car repairsRailroadRendering plantRetirement homeRock crushing operationsRubber productsSchoolScreen printingSemiconductor/wafer manufacturingSheet metal workingSign manufacturingSnack food manufacturingSoil / water remediationSpray finishing operationsSteel distributorStone / rock productsTelecommunicationsTerminal operations / bulk commoditiesTerminal operations / grainTerminal operations / petroleumTire retreading / sales / new / usedTire shredding operationsTransloading and Trucking - starch/lime productsTransportation / truckingTruss manufacturingUpholstered furniture assemblyVeneer manufacturingWarehouse - retailWarehouse - wholesaleWaste & recycling processingWaste oil collection / processing / refiningWaste paper baling operationWastewater treatment plantWelding operationsWell drilling - water/gas/oilWildlife operationsWood finish operationsWood grinding operationsWood products manufacturingWood treating