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EPA Signs Final Residential Wood Heater Rules

Monday, April 27, 2015 - On February 3, 2015 EPA met its court-ordered deadline for signing the final rule establishing New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for residential wood heaters. The rule marks the first update to the woodstove NSPS since it was established in 1988.

The standards apply not only to the types of woodstoves regulated under the 1988 NSPS but also to previously unregulated residential wood-burning devices, such as new single burn rate stoves, hydronic heaters, wood-fired forced air furnaces and pellet stoves.

According to EPA, emissions from affected new wood heaters will be reduced by about 70 percent, providing public health benefits on the order of $3.4 to $7.6 billion; for every dollar spent to bring new, cleaner heaters into the marketplace, the return will be between $74 and $165 in health benefits.

For more information visit EPA.gov