SWCAA News Story Archives


Notice of Rule Updates - SWCAA 400

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 - The Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) is proposing to make changes to SWCAA 400 "General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources." The purpose of the rulemaking is to: meet EPA federal enforceability requirements, provide consistency with Department of Ecology rules, update definitions; delete obsolete rule language; update NESHAP, MACT and NSPS adoptions; revise/expand source category specific requirements; revise emission testing/monitoring requirements; revise public involvement provisions; and make minor administrative edits.

The proposed rule changes are available for public review and written comment at:

The documents can also be obtained from Wess Safford at (360) 574-3058, ext 126. Please address all comments to SWCAA at 11815 NE 99th Street, Suite 1294, Vancouver, WA 98682. To be considered, comments must be received by August 26, 2016.

A hearing to consider adoption of the proposed rule changes will be held at 3:00 PM on September 1, 2016 at the SWCAA Board of Directors meeting at SWCAA's office located at 11815 NE 99th Street, Suite 1294, Vancouver, WA 98682.