Notice of Rule Updates - SWCAA 400
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 - The Southwest Clean Air Agency (SWCAA) is proposing to make changes to SWCAA 400 "General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources." The purpose of the rulemaking is to: meet EPA federal enforceability requirements, provide consistency with Department of Ecology rules, update definitions; delete obsolete rule language; update NESHAP, MACT and NSPS adoptions; revise/expand source category specific requirements; revise emission testing/monitoring requirements; revise public involvement provisions; and make minor administrative edits.
The proposed rule changes are available for public review and written comment at:
The documents can also be obtained from Wess Safford at (360) 574-3058, ext 126. Please address all comments to SWCAA at 11815 NE 99th Street, Suite 1294, Vancouver, WA 98682. To be considered, comments must be received by August 26, 2016.A hearing to consider adoption of the proposed rule changes will be held at 3:00 PM on September 1, 2016 at the SWCAA Board of Directors meeting at SWCAA's office located at 11815 NE 99th Street, Suite 1294, Vancouver, WA 98682.