SWCAA News Story Archives


Air Quality Awareness Week - April 28 through May 2

Monday, April 28, 2014 - Did you know that the average adult breathes approximately 3,000 gallons of air per day? Can you imagine living in a world where 25% of that air was unhealthy? What if 50% of that air was dirty and not breathable? Air is something we take for granted yet is so crucial to our very existence.

Celebrate Air Quality Awareness Week: Monday, April 28 through Friday, May 2. Here are some easy ways you can appreciate the air and develop new environmentally-friendly habits.

  • Conserve electricity: turn off unused appliances. Even better, unplug them, including cell phone and tablet chargers. The less electricity we use, the less demand for coal-burning.
  • Carpool, take public transportation, walk or ride a bike. Combine your vehicle trips. Reducing vehicle use decreases car emissions. When you must drive, don't idle your car. People often idle when picking up or dropping off children and friends, at drive-thru restaurants and at active railroad crossings. Turn the key and be idle free!
  • Please consider alternatives to burning. Now that spring has arrived, many residents turn their attention to yard work, landscaping projects and general property upkeep. This is a friendly reminder not to burn paper, plastic, garbage or other household materials. Only burn natural vegetation grown on the property and only burn if you are in area where burning is allowed. Outdoor burning releases harmful chemicals into the air which can impact our health and environment - as much as 50% of Vancouver's air pollution comes from burning. Each county in Southwest Washington offers yard trimming drop-off sites.
  • Share what you know - tell your family, friends and neighbors.