Previous Agency Rule Making
Periodically SWCAA revises rules to be compliant with Federal and State regulation changes
and may adopt more stringent local regulations. Prior Rulemaking Activities are listed below:
SWCAA 400 - General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources
400-2025-1 Rule Effective Date: 2/10/2025 - VIEW DETAILS
SWCAA is proposing to make changes to SWCAA 400 “General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources” to do the following: update incorporation by reference of federal regulations, add definitions, revise nonroad engine exceptions, update federal regulation citations, revise complaint reporting requirements, update state law citations, clarify registration applicability, add an exception to the vertical dispersion requirement, revise NSPS and MACT adoptions, and make minor administrative edits.
400-2023-1 Rule Effective Date: 2/11/2023 - VIEW DETAILS
Update definitions, update incorporation by reference of federal regulations, revise explanations of application and registration fees, move NSR applicability citations for coffee roasters, add minor registration and permitting exemptions, clarify source description in selected sections, revise emission test report requirements, revise permit application completeness criteria, revise NSPS adoptions, revise severability language, and make minor administrative edits.
400-2021-1 Rule Effective Date: 9/10/2021 - VIEW DETAILS
Update reference to RCW 70A.15 for the Clean Air Act, update adoption of federal regulations, add definitions for diesel, distillate oil and New Source, include 2 chemicals EPA has delisted as VOCs, incorporate shartup/shutdown provision from WAC for SIP inclusion, add language for presumptive withdrawal of permit application for failure to respond, prohibition of cyclonic burn barrels, adoption of federal plan for sewage sludge incinerators and other incinerators, identify permit extension process, provide new section for use of credible evidence and information collection requests.
400-2019-1 Rule Effective Date: 3/21/2020 - VIEW DETAILS
Federal Rules IBR - Add a new rule section (400-025) just to update adoption of federal rules by reference to be able to enforce the most current federal rules.
400-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
SWCAA 425 - Outdoor Burning
425-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
SWCAA 476 - Standards for Asbestos Control, Demolition, and Renovation
476-2019-1 Rule Effective Date: 3/22/2020 - VIEW DETAILS
Bulk Sampling Requrements - Removes encapsulation as a regulated activity, revises bulk sampling requirements for small projects, clarifies the need for SWCAA approval for project notices and clarifies a requirement for worker certification and identification cards.
476-2018-1 Rule Effective Date: 7/14/2018 - VIEW DETAILS
Inspection Procedures - General updates to rules including additional definitions, add inspection procedures including sampling and analysis, change notification period for residential projects from 10 business days to 10 calendar days, add abandonded ACM procedures, add State of Emergency procedures, increase notification period for fire training burns from 5 calendar days to 10 calendar days, clarify and update existing language.
476-2016-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/19/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
476-2000-1 Rule Effective Date: 3/17/2001 - VIEW DETAILS
Agency Name Change
476-1996-1 Rule Effective Date: 11/1/1996 - VIEW DETAILS
Subpart M Consistency
476-1993-1 Rule Effective Date: 8/22/1993 - VIEW DETAILS
SWCAA New Rule - Incorporate local applicable requirements from 40 CFR 61 Subpart M into local rule.
SWCAA 491 - Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Gasoline Vapors
491-2019-1 Rule Effective Date: 2/7/2020 - VIEW DETAILS
Stage 2 Removal - This rule change eliminates the requirement to install Stage 2 gasoline vapor control equipment at gasoline dispensing facilities because of the fleet penetration of cars manufactured since about 2000. The newer cars and trucks have on-board carbon canisters that serve the same purpose. Stage 2 systems that are not compatible with on-board cannister systems actually increase emissions.
491-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
491-2000-1 Rule Effective Date: 3/18/2001 - VIEW DETAILS
Agency name change
491-1998-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/24/2000 - VIEW DETAILS
Stage II Applicability - Revisions to the rule to be consistent with WAC 173-491 and changes in RCW 70.94.165 (SHB2376, 1996 Regular Session) which identifies the conditions under which Stage II Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems are important to achieving or maintaining ozone attainment status. This proposal removes the Stage II requirement in certain areas within SWCAA jurisdiction. In addition, requirements were proposed for marine vessel lightering operations to reduce emissions during high ozone days.
491-1996-1 Rule Effective Date: 11/21/1996 - VIEW DETAILS
Stage I Ozone Maintenance Plan - Proposed revisions to update the compliance schedule for installing Stage I gasoline vapor control equipment to be consistent with WAC 173-491 except Clark County which will have a 200,000 gallon throughput requirement. Results from Technical Advisory Committee for the Vancouver-Portland Ozone Maintenance Plan.
491-1993-1 Rule Effective Date: 8/22/1993 - VIEW DETAILS
Original Rule - The proposed rule was to adopt WAC 173-491 by reference.
SWCAA 492 - Oxygenated Fuels
492-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
SWCAA 493 - VOC Area Source Rules
493-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
SWCAA 802 - SEPA Procedures
802-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 6/18/2017 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.
SWCAA FEE - Fee Schedule
FEE-2017-1 Rule Effective Date: 1/1/2018 - VIEW DETAILS
Revise Fee Schedule - Remove fees from individual rule sections and incorporate into a standalone Consolidated Fee Schedule with its own public comment and Board approval process.